Hello! 😊

My name is Abdul-Rahman.

Welcome to my digital home!

What I'm working on

My current jobs, responsibilities and projects.

⚕️ Academic Doctor + Cambridge Teaching Fellow - UCL

I'm a UCL medical school graduate and completed my intercalated BSc in Neuroscience in 18-19. I'm also a Teaching Fellow on the Medical Education SFP (Specialised Foundation Programme) teaching 4th Year medical students from Cambridge Medical School. I will be completing my PGCert in over 2023-24.

✈️ Gulfvisa - travel visa and legal document services (bit random)

My father's business incorporated in 2000. I've been involved since I was around 14 getting stuck into many different aspects: from helping with tax accounts to leading the relaunch of the website to finding new ways to grow the business. These experiences helped develop many of my skills and are responsible for my interest in entrepreneurship. I count myself lucky for this opportunity! I rebuilt and launched the new website in early 2022.

🩺 Medmentor - an all-in-one platform for aspiring medics

I'm very passionate about social mobility and widening access to Medicine. I believe this is absolutely essential if we hope to reduce health inequalities in the UK. Our social enterprise aims to solve these issues by providing any and every aspiring medic equal access to all the high-quality resources, support & mentorship they need.

📹 Nera - set up your own virtual video platform within minutes

The world has gone virtual. Therefore, it's time that everyone has their own virtual platform to go with it! At Nera, we provide individuals and organisations with the ability to set up their own video platform within minutes. Deliver mentorship programmes, tutoring sessions, online fitness coaching and more from your very own page. If you'd like to join our VIP list, drop me an email.

🕌 Pillars - more than just a prayer app

Pillars is a new app built by Muslims with a long-term vision to elevate the Muslim community. We have many aspirations. However, in the short-term we will focus on Prayer (Salah) by building an elegant ad-free app that prioritises user's privacy. In the future, we will build features to help Muslims improve their individual condition - from the spiritual to the non-spiritual.

🩺 OSCEhub - where OSCE practice happens

OSCEhub is a platform for medical students with ready-to-go OSCE stations. Before OSCEhub OSCE it was difficult to organise practice, stations were often unchallenging and tracking performance was difficult. With OSCEhub practise is only a few clicks away. Productive and challenging sessions are now the norm. You can easily identify areas of improvements and track progress.

🌍 Muslim Business Network - next generation of Muslim entrepeneurs

MBN is an invite-only community of highly aspirational Muslim startup founders. Our aim is to level up the Muslim startup ecosystem by bringing these individuals together to network, share ideas and support one another. I'm focused on maintaining the quality of this network and am therefore expanding it slowly.

Other interests & things

Some of my interests, passion projects and other potential note-worthy stuff.

🧠 Neuroscience iBSc (Hons) - UCL

I completed an iBSc in Neuroscience during my intercalation year (2018-2019). My lab project at Queen Square involved investigating changes in sensory and motor pathways during novel skill acquisition and movement adaptations (which I later continued during my 4th year of medical school). Both results were negative and unfortunately I didn't get to publish the work. But that's what science is all about! Nevertheless, it was an invaluable experience which I enjoyed.

💡 Startups

I love to hear about new startups particularly in the tech and deep tech space (check out Entrepreneur's First if you are too). I'm now trying my hand at setting up a tech startup (Pillars) and a social enterprise (Medmentor).

🎨 Design

I love making things that look pretty. In particular, I enjoy graphic design (mostly social media posts) and web design (like this website)! I've been designing for a few years now and am slowly building up my portfolio. If you're interested in me doing some design work for you, hmu!

🎮 Coding

During my 3rd year of medical school I embarked on a mission to learn code. I won't pretend that I'm world-star coder as a result. In fact, I don't think you need to be. However, in my opinion understanding code is a super power! My coding skills have helped me better appreciate the potential of tech to transform both education and medicine (two of my main interests) as well as when working with other individuals with technical expertise. Check out this ad I filmed for Codecademy (which is what I used to start learning) after I completed their Web Development career pathway!

💰 Personal Finance

I have a strong interest in personal finance, particularly making it more accessible to those who traditionally do not get access to good advice. It's early days but I'm thinking about starting a Twitter account and/or podcast that will (at least in part) cover this matter. I'm also considering writing an eBook. All of these will be approached from a Muslim perspective (i.e. avoiding anything considered haram).

🚀 Angel Investing

As someone who is actively engaged in the startup world (as a founder) I'm also in a privileged positions to make small check investments into exciting startups through a family office. If you're interested in talking to me about an opportunity feel free to drop me a twitter DM or email.

🔓 Widening Access

I've had the rather interesting experience of going to a state secondary school (ranked average) followed by a grammar school for sixth form (ranked well-above average) where 60% of all A-levels graded were either As or A*s. I'm almost certain that if it wasn't for this change I wouldn't be at UCL and perhaps not at medical school at all. This has opened my eyes into the socioeconomic inequalities that exist. I'm adamant on combining my design, tech and entrepreneurship skills to do some good. My first project is Medmentor! Check it out :)

🔬 Research

I've had my ups and downs with research. However, on the whole I think it can be a rather fulfilling experience, particularly when it's in an area you're really interested in and when you realise you're one of the few people out there in the world investigating that space. Previously, I've done projects at Queen Square (Neuroscience project - looking at changes in the brain during skill acquisition and adaptations) and the Royal Free Hospital (looking at the effects of a specific transporter gene found in the brain and kidneys). and now at the ENT Hospital in Bloomsbury looking at developing a diagnostic tool for nose-related conditions using sound-waves.

Get in touch

Have a question? Want to collaborate? Or perhaps just want to grab coffee?! Get in touch :)

🐦 Twitter (@asabbas98)

I'm very active on Twitter. I speak about a bunch of things including medicine, politics and my general thoughts. Follow me and reach out! You can drop me a DM or tweet me @asabbas98.

📸 Instagram (@aboudabbas)

I'm not super active on here so apologies if I don't reply very quickly! Follow me here.

📇 LinkedIn

I've been on LinkedIn for some time now and highly recommend everyone get it! The benefits are huge. I've even noticed a trend of aspiring medics reaching out to medical student and doctors via LinkedIn for free advice ... SMART! If you're interested in connecting on a more professional level then find me on LinkedIn!

✉️ Email

Have a business enquiry? or have a quick question? or want some advice?! Drop me an email!

👋 Say hello!

If you happen to be around the Bloomsbury or Euston area and want to grab a socially-distanced coffee message me and let's sort something out!